Insight plays a key role in our professional learning and growth. We need to try and find time to think deeply about stuff. Here we explain why, and how the Huh Academy Leadership Course might help.
The Huh Leadership Lobby is a blended leadership CPD package with Mary Myatt and Andrew Morrish, drawing on the latest research, books and thinking from across the sector. Here, we tell you more about it, the coaching options especially.
Later this year my new book from Bloomsbury is published. It's called The Authentic Leader and will help you take back control of your agenda so that your core purpose drives all that you do.
Appraisal is not all about measuring everything that you do. It's more nuanced than that. It's about professional growth and development. Here are five ways how.
One of the privileges of working closely with headteachers this term has been to see close up how determined they are when it comes to doing the right things. Here are five.