Beyond Belief is the new book brought to you by the team behind Headrest. It offers a refreshing dimension to the accountability debate with insights from over 30 contributors.

  •  09/12/2024 09:09
3 min read

The current Ofsted inspection framework is no longer fit-for-purpose and should be legally challenged. Schools should not be judged. In this post, we explain why.

  •  31/10/2021 14:40
4 min read

As critical as I am of the inspection process in England, I am entirely at ease with the fact that inspection is here to stay. Indeed, I’d be concerned if it were ever abolished. An independent inspectorate is essential if we are to continue to have faith in our education system.

  •  03/12/2017 11:41
7 min read

We’ve had the inspectors in. The new term was barely three hours old and we got the call. So in they came – days two and three – and they were all over us like a rash.

  •  13/04/2017 22:25
7 min read

Despite the title of this post, it doesn’t feel like a victory. But in the end, it all came down to this: Either I continue to inspect and work for Ofsted, or I blog. It seems I can’t do both.

  •  01/12/2015 17:26
3 min read

As I sit on the train on my way to a meeting in London I spot an article in the Metro that claims that ‘Women are the real task masters’. Apparently, according to a well-known skincare company, us men can only manage 19 tasks a day compared with 26 for a woman.

  •  14/09/2015 13:55
3 min read

Being a headteacher of an academy only a few miles from the Trojan horse schools in Birmingham means that I have taken more than a passing interest in the recent developments. It has made me re-visit our own Articles of Association to ensure that we do not find ourselves in a similar situation, especially now that we are a multi academy trust.

  •  13/06/2014 11:51
4 min read

I have always liked to think that I have my finger firmly on the pulse of all things educational. However, these past few weeks I have found it rather difficult keeping tabs on the numerous blog posts on Ofsted’s latest proposals to improve the inspection process.

  •  10/03/2014 12:03
6 min read