Beyond Belief is the new book brought to you by the team behind Headrest. It offers a refreshing dimension to the accountability debate with insights from over 30 contributors.

  •  09/12/2024 09:09
3 min read

There will come a time when we’ll all look back and ask ourselves, how on earth did we allow it to go on for so long? Ofsted have been around now for over a quarter of a century and still the debate rages on about their role.

  •  11/02/2018 16:03
4 min read

In my previous post I shared with you my concerns around the tensions that exist between writing a self-evaluation summary (SES) for Ofsted and writing one for yourself that focuses on school improvement.

  •  10/11/2016 15:51
4 min read

As I sit on the train on my way to a meeting in London I spot an article in the Metro that claims that ‘Women are the real task masters’. Apparently, according to a well-known skincare company, us men can only manage 19 tasks a day compared with 26 for a woman.

  •  14/09/2015 13:55
3 min read

I probably shouldn’t be writing about this as I’m sworn to secrecy. It’s been a strange few days, all rather furtive and under the radar. On Monday evening I attended a pleasant SSAT Reform Dinner in London held under the Chatham House Rules. I must admit, I had to Google what it meant but now that I know I’m not meant to write about it, I won’t.

  •  29/04/2015 16:33
4 min read