Ofsted is in major need of reform. The time has come for systemic root and branch change. The solution can be found in the recent publication of the Knight Review, an enquiry into the future of inspection. In this post, we summarise the key recommendations.

  •  08/12/2023 08:04
2 min read

As critical as I am of the inspection process in England, I am entirely at ease with the fact that inspection is here to stay. Indeed, I’d be concerned if it were ever abolished. An independent inspectorate is essential if we are to continue to have faith in our education system.

  •  03/12/2017 11:41
7 min read

I probably shouldn’t be writing about this as I’m sworn to secrecy. It’s been a strange few days, all rather furtive and under the radar. On Monday evening I attended a pleasant SSAT Reform Dinner in London held under the Chatham House Rules. I must admit, I had to Google what it meant but now that I know I’m not meant to write about it, I won’t.

  •  29/04/2015 16:33
4 min read