Ofsted is in major need of reform. The time has come for systemic root and branch change. The solution can be found in the recent publication of the Knight Review, an enquiry into the future of inspection. In this post, we summarise the key recommendations.

  •  08/12/2023 08:04
2 min read

The current Ofsted inspection framework is no longer fit-for-purpose and should be legally challenged. Schools should not be judged. In this post, we explain why.

  •  31/10/2021 14:40
4 min read

With child poverty at record highs, if schools really are serious about transforming the life chances of young people then they need to unlock social capital. In this blog, we unpack the different types of ‘capital’ and the challenges schools face.

  •  17/06/2020 10:22
7 min read

Earlier this month I was invited to attend a consultation session with Sean Harford, Ofsted’s Director of Education, on behalf of Arts Council England. In this post I explain why – for now – I’m prepared to give Ofsted the benefit of the doubt.

  •  27/02/2019 20:56
5 min read

It has been a long time coming, and finally this week we got to see what the deal was. It will be discussed, debated and consulted on in the coming months before they finally deliver the will of the people later this year.

  •  20/01/2019 23:32
8 min read

This year, the annual SSAT national conference has a timely and uplifting theme: Pure imagination. Taking place over two days at the ICC in Birmingham, I was delighted to be invited to kick off the conference with a nine-minute talk. This is what I said:

  •  06/12/2018 21:20
7 min read

Following the publication of the recent Public Accounts Committee findings, Amanda Spielman finds she suddenly has an awful lot to do. And it might just sting.

  •  10/09/2018 21:30
6 min read

There will come a time when we’ll all look back and ask ourselves, how on earth did we allow it to go on for so long? Ofsted have been around now for over a quarter of a century and still the debate rages on about their role.

  •  11/02/2018 16:03
4 min read

As critical as I am of the inspection process in England, I am entirely at ease with the fact that inspection is here to stay. Indeed, I’d be concerned if it were ever abolished. An independent inspectorate is essential if we are to continue to have faith in our education system.

  •  03/12/2017 11:41
7 min read

Two particular tweets caught my eye last week. One was from Ofsted and the other a leading academic. The Ofsted one was in relation to them wanting to do some good by conducting research. The other was based on research about how Ofsted do more harm than good. I had to read on.

  •  07/11/2017 11:46
6 min read

This post appeared in the TES here. Dear Chief Inspector,

  •  10/09/2017 11:56
7 min read

One of the things that we’ve done really well across our trust has been the curriculum. And now I fear for it because Ofsted want to get their hands on it. With their relentless pursuit over the years of teaching, outcomes, standards and compliance, the curriculum has been left alone by and large.

  •  24/06/2017 22:15
3 min read