Ubuntu means 'humanity' in Xhosa, something the world so desperately needs following the tragic death of George Floyd. Here we meet, Makana, a real-life Xhosa leader who inspired many others to stand up against apartheid. His legend lives on in the fight against racism.

  •  08/06/2020 10:51
4 min read

There is little doubt that we are living and leading in extraordinary times. As the title of this post suggests, it may feel as if we are crossing the unknown sea. As schools re-open following the lockdown, this post encourages brave leaders to stick to their beliefs and do the right thing.

  •  31/05/2020 10:00
3 min read

The real-life story of Makana (pronounced McCarner) spans several hundred years. Its impact on world history and the freedom of a nation is immeasurable. Meaning ‘gift’ in Swahili, Makana’s legacy to the world is one that must never be forgotten.

  •  09/05/2020 12:42
7 min read

Taken from a session at the 2019 ASCL National conference at the ICC in Birmingham, in this post I attempt to identify the golden thread that runs throughout ‘connected leadership’, the theme of the conference.

  •  22/03/2019 20:47
9 min read

Earlier this month I was invited to attend a consultation session with Sean Harford, Ofsted’s Director of Education, on behalf of Arts Council England. In this post I explain why – for now – I’m prepared to give Ofsted the benefit of the doubt.

  •  27/02/2019 20:56
5 min read

It has been a long time coming, and finally this week we got to see what the deal was. It will be discussed, debated and consulted on in the coming months before they finally deliver the will of the people later this year.

  •  20/01/2019 23:32
8 min read

As teachers up and down the country are bracing themselves for the inevitable bout of ‘flu that will take hold the minute they wake up on Saturday morning, let’s celebrate the fact that 2018 has been another cracking year.

  •  20/12/2018 21:16
5 min read

This year, the annual SSAT national conference has a timely and uplifting theme: Pure imagination. Taking place over two days at the ICC in Birmingham, I was delighted to be invited to kick off the conference with a nine-minute talk. This is what I said:

  •  06/12/2018 21:20
7 min read

As birthdays go, it was probably no different to the previous few. It began at sunrise with a mug of muddy coffee or beef tea, perhaps even a biscuit. The day would be spent in the company of friends, many of whom he’d gotten to know exceptionally well. And then of course, there were the war horses, all of whom were under his guard as a soldier serving in the Army Veterinary Corps. (74th Brigade of the Royal Field Artillery, ‘B’ Battery, to be precise.)

  •  11/11/2018 11:00
8 min read

Today is a sad day. One of our children will get told this afternoon by a social worker that she’s being moved away to a new foster carer.

  •  26/10/2018 21:27
4 min read

Following the publication of the recent Public Accounts Committee findings, Amanda Spielman finds she suddenly has an awful lot to do. And it might just sting.

  •  10/09/2018 21:30
6 min read

If the World Cup is not your thing, then look away now. But if you have a passing interest in leadership and how the manager of England can teach us a thing or two about the art, then read on.

  •  10/07/2018 21:34
7 min read